Friday, November 26, 2010

Gems from a messy childhood closet

There are a few advantages to being a pack-rat. That vintage Chicago t-shirt that I found in the attic was one of them! Another is a game I like to play when I visit my childhood room. It's called, "I will look through all the weird crap in my closet and crack up at what I find!"
My newest find: a note that my sister wrote to my mom, confessing something pretty serious!

Dear Mom,
There is something I must tell you. I want to quit twirling. I don't like it anymore. I don't really like S-F Rec or LeeAnn. But I do like flags! I would like to have more free time to do things I enjoy, like: homework
[yeah right!], play field hockey [I don't recall my sister EVER having touched a field hockey stick in her life], read books and poetry [poetry- what a sensitive gal], talk on the telephone [duh], Prodigy [yep, Prodigy! The predecessor to AOL! My sister was online before ANYONE else. I had no clue what the hell it was, but it involved a password and a computer disc. It didn't interest me in the slightest bit. Oh, irony of ironies, as I write this, literally, by using the internet!], go to school sporting events, and S.A.D.D. [Bull shit! Students Against Drunk Driving? My sister should have had a career in PR, this is pretty brilliant.] I hope this note doesn't hurt you or anyone else. [This sentence, and this sentence alone, makes me feel guilty for posting this tender little note online. There was a time in my sister's life where she thought that quitting twirling a baton was the end of the world. Awww! I am so glad to not be 12 anymore.] Love, R.

YAY! I hope my sister doesn't hate me. Mostly because I have a lot more stuff from her coming up, in future editions of, "Gems from a messy childhood closet!" (Should that be capitalized? Hmm...)

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